Windows Rt Configuration

Method 2 – Windows 8 DNS Configuration (Hide Images)

  1. Open the Control Panel
    - from Start screen, just type control panel
    - or from desktop mode open the Charms menu, then go to Settings, then open Control Panel
  2. Click on Network and Internet (from Control Panel)
  3. Open Network and Sharing Center
  4. Click on your ACTIVE Internet connection: Ethernet or Wireless Network Connection
  5. Click on Properties
  6. Click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
    Then click on Properties
  7. Select the option: Use the following DNS server addresses
    In the Preferred DNS server field enter:
    In the Alternate DNS server field enter:
    (For better performance, choose a DNS address that is closer to your location)
  8. Click OK twice,
    Then press Close to finish the configuration
